Tours & Adventures
Learn to abseil or cross country ski, head off on a snowshoe ramble, test your nerve on a cliff picnic, explore an underground river ... the full list of Mount Buffalo adventures is just about as diverse as it gets

Licensed Tour Operators
Licensed Tour Operators offer a range of activities and adventures in both the green and snow seasons which include half, full and multi day activities for everyone from families and children to serious adventurers.
You might like to challenge yourself on an amazing abseil adventure at the Mount Buffalo gorge, experience the underground challenges of exploring the underground river cave with your cave guides or learn how to rock climb on the granite cliffs and tors of the plateau. Perhaps exploring one of Mount Buffalo's canyons might be your preferred adventure with a clamber up a steel wire caving ladder to finish, or you might prefer the softer adventures of a guided nature walk, longer remote walk or a kayaking lesson. There's also a varied range of nature-based tours such as photography, bird-watching, fishing and more.
Adventures & Tours on Offer
A number of Licensed Tour Operators provide guided adventures at Mount Buffalo. The current list of operators can be found on the Parks Victoria website.
Some Licensed Tour Operators can facilitate School and Group activity days and camps.
Parks Victoria require that Licensed Tour Operators and lead groups adhere to the relevant Good Practice Guides of the Australian Adventure Activity Standards.
Green season
Abseiling (single pitch)
Abseiling (Multi Pitch)
Rock climbing
History, heritage and environmental tours
Spotlight tours
Cliff camping on a portable ledge
Picnics on a portable ledge
Photography tours
Flat water kayaking
Snow season
Cross country skiing lessons and Tours
Snowshoe tours
Snow camping
Abseiling in the snow
Snow photography tours