The Chalet
Often referred to as The Grande Old Dame of Victoria's Alpine region, the incredibly picturesque Mount Buffalo Chalet is perched on the top of Bent's Lookout, with breathtaking views that stretch out over the famous Gorge.
The Chalet and Gorge Precinct
With plenty of car parking, toilets, excellent views from Bent's Lookout and picnic tables under the gum trees the Chalet and Gorge Precinct is often the first stop for visitors to Mount Buffalo. The Chalet itself is amazingly photogenic, and the gardens are a lovely place to stroll and breathe in the fresh alpine air.
Built in 1910 by the Victorian Government after the first road opened to the summit, the Chalet is listed in the Victorian Heritage Register for its architectural, historical and social significance. Today the building is only open for occasional guided tours. However, you can appreciate the grandeur of the building from the outside and explore the terraced European Garden which in spring time is a mass of stunning colour.
The Chalet originally cost £3,195 to build, and over the last 100 years has had various storeys and wings added (and the occasional facelift), but has always kept its charm. The Chalet was Australia's first ski resort, and has served generations of skiiers, hikers and families over the years it operated.
The Mount Buffalo Chalet closed in 2007 after having been managed by a series of private enterprise leaseholders, and whilst it currently remains closed, the Mount Buffalo Chalet still attracts crowds of visitors who are intrigued by the building – one of the largest Chalet complexes in Australia – and its exceptional heritage attributes.
Chalet Restoration Works
Commencing in 2017 and completed in 2019 the $2.8 million external maintenance works included major tasks such as re-stumping and restoring structural integrity, major works to ensure that the roof was sound and waterproof, plus weatherboard replacement and repainting of the main building. Detailed historical and cultural interpretative signage is now in place to inform the visitor of the Chalet's history and its place in early tourism of North East Victoria.
Parks Victoria are continuing to carry out external works and painting at the rear of the main building and the outbuildings as an ongoing project - Parks Victoria has spent $280,000 to date in 2020 on works and maintenance.
Cafe Redevelopment
Around $2million was recently allocated by the state government to carry out internal works so that a small cafe can be established in the front rooms of the Mount Buffalo Chalet. This is the first step in providing public access to the building and to begin to reconnect locals and visitors to the historic chalet.
Federal Funding
As a part of a $33.5million federal package for heritage upgrades across Australia, the Federal Government has allocated $3million to heritage works for the Mount Buffalo Chalet. How this very welcome funding is to be used is still to be announced.